Clothing Ideas for 13 Gears Costume Contest

We have a lot of first-time vendors and guests, so I thought a list would be helpful. Vendors are encouraged to wear steampunk-inspired clothing at 13 Gears to help create the atmosphere. For guests, costumes are admired, but not required! That said, we don’t expect anyone to purchase anything specific to wear for the event (unless, of course, they want to), but rather, get creative with clothes they already have access to in their (or friend’s) closets. Here are some clothing suggestions just to get the ideas flowing:


·        Blouses (Victorian style with high necks, lace, or ruffles)

·        Blue jeans (invented in 1873!)

·        Corsets

·        Dress shirts (plain or striped; with or without a collar)

·        Dress/suit and jackets

·        Flat front pants

·        Goggles

·        Harnesses

·        Hats (top, Bowler, Derby, newsie cap, etc.)

·        Henley or thermal shirts

·        Khaki pants

·        Kilts

·        Knickers

·        Leather belts

·        Military style jackets

·        Pirate jacket/coats

·        Pirate shirts

·        Prairie/Cottagecore dresses or skirts

·        Scarves or shawls

·        Skirts (any length; can be layered and tied up with ribbons/scarves to make a bustle)

·        Suspenders

·        Ties (bow, ascot, cravat, etc.)

·        Vests

·        Victorian inspired clothing/costumes


If you decide to wear a costume to 13 Gears, please consider entering the costume contest being held each day at the event! Prizes will be awarded and outfits of all skill levels and from thrifted to custom-sewn are welcome!

Tea Dueling